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9月のサタデースクール・Saturday School September







歌の後には、クラフト!!今月のクラフトテーマは、Let’s Be Divers!! ダイバーになるために必要な道具の名前を覚えたり、生徒それぞれが飾り付けたり、絵を描いて自分たちのオリジナルウェットスーツを作成中に色の名前や数の数え方、海の生物の名前など、学びました。すべてのパーツを組み合わせ、顔の前にもってくると、かわいいダイバーさんたちの完成!!

クラフトの後には、今月のテーマであるSea Creatures についてゲームをしながら学びました。生徒たちがプールの中にいる海の生き物たちを釣りあげて、釣り上げられた生き物の名前をみんなで言いながら覚えていきました。みんな上手に海の生き物を釣り上げられたし、名前を言うことができましたね!


We held this month's Sunday School on Saturday, September 16th!

First, we sat in a circle with the teachers and students and started by introducing ourselves ♪

After introducing ourselves, we warmed up with Kids Yoga! We drew the cards one by one, said the names of what was drawn on the cards, and then did the yoga pose. There were many students who participated for the first time, but everyone was able to do the poses so well!

After kids yoga, we learned to sing the "Hello song" and "Days of the week" 🎶

After the songs, craft time! This month's craft theme was "Let's Be Divers". We learnt the names of the tools you need to become a diver, then each student decorated a diver's picture and created your own wetsuit. We practiced colors, new words, counting, and the names of sea creatures. We combine all the parts and completed the cute divers! After the craft, we learned about this month's theme, Sea Creatures, while playing games. The students caught the sea creatures in the pool and remembered the names of the caught creatures while saying them together. Everyone was very good at catching the sea creatures and at saying their name! At the end of the day, learnt more English through reading books and bingo! Such a wonderful day, thank you everyone!





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